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南台灣的陽光長年普照,2005年,一個在南台灣豔陽下長大的大男孩- Toby Lee,帶著自1980年代開端的CIGS(註1)太陽能技術,和一群志同道合的好夥伴,著手籌備公司的成立。2007年從台灣科技搖籃-竹科回到家鄉,在高雄縣阿蓮鄉傳統菜市場的早餐店樓上,正式啟動創業列車─綠陽光電Axuntek。

In 2005, Toby Lee, a native son from the sun-drenched south of Taiwan, joined forces with like-minded partners to launch a new company. Their endeavor would build on CIGS technology, first pioneered in the 1980's. In 2007, the group relocated from the cradle of Taiwan's hi-tech industry, the Hsin-chu Science and Industrial Park, back to Alian Village in Kaohsiung County, Lee's hometown. In an office upstairs from a diner in a bustling marketplace, AxunTek was born.